Sunday, August 19, 2012

Easter Treats

I wanted to get the kids I babysit something cute for Easter, but let's be honest I wasn't about to spend a ton of money making adorable, extravagant baskets. So instead I poked around on Pinterest and found this:

Sold. Looked super cute, yummy, quick, and most importantly cheap! So I melted some chocolate chips on the stove (you can use the microwave I just always burn it). Side note: don't use your plastic spoon to stir the WILL melt and that's just gross. Then I dipped Baskin Robbins spoons in the melted chocolate, I thought the bright pink would make it a little more fun! I put the spoons down on some waxed paper so I could peel them off easier and I put a couple Jordan almonds on each one. Then I sprinkled some chocolate sprinkled around the Jordan almonds and I was done! To make travel easier I put some plastic wrap around it and tied it with some ribbon. They turned out great and the kids LOVED them. I'd call this one a success!


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