Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fake Calligraphy

How to create fake calligraphy...We've all seen this gem floating around on Pinterest:

It's gorgeous.  It's exciting.  FINALLY, I can write all pretty like the rest of the amazing DIYers out there.  Wrong.  I'm skeptical, and I'll tell you why.  It sounds easy, and the original tutorial was great.  It explained everything better than I ever could so I suggest clicking over there if this is something you're interested in.  Essentially all you do is write what you want, and then go back and fill in your downstrokes.  The reason I'm not thrilled with this one is you need great handwriting to begin with!  Emily over at JDC has beautiful handwriting, and her fake calligraphy is ideal.  I gave it a go, but I'm not thrilled mostly because I'm not particularly fond of my cursive or handwriting.  It's also a decent amount of work and concentration.

Not bad, not great.  If you love your handwriting and are looking to dress it up a little bit for invitations or something, do this.  If not, skip it.  My vote? Buy her font and print it on your envelopes.  It'll save time and probably look better in the long run.

Let me know if you have better luck!


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