Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Earring Storage

Yesterday's big project was one of those lace-earring holders.  I saw this one on Pinterest, but I read that the lace sagged a lot when you do it that way.  So I tried it my own way!

Original (top) and mine (bottom):

Like it?  Read on!

  • Frame (mine was from Marshals)
  • Adhesive spray (found at JoAnne's or Michael's)
  • Fabric (I found mine in the scrap bin at JoAnne's)
  • Lace (JoAnne's...Micheal's didn't have any)
  • Cardboard
Alrighty, the first step is to cut your cardboard.  I traced the glass and cut it out, easy enough! Next you have to cut and iron your fabric.  I wanted mine doubled over because it was so thin.  Cut the fabric so it's about an inch or two bigger than the cardboard.
Spray the cardboard with your adhesive spray following the directions on the can.  I just went at it, I wasn't trying to keep it really even or anything like that.  My only tip here is to be careful not to spray it too far...I did and my paper ended up getting stuck to my table outside haha!  Ok next you're going to fold the fabric over the back.  To avoid bulky corners I cut pieces out of the fabric like I was extending the lines of the cardboard.  Hopefully that made sense, if not here's a picture to help.
Then you use the spray again and fold the edges of the fabric over the back of the cardboard.
Mine is a far cry from perfect.  I think you could even use staples, tape, a glue stick, or hot glue if you don't have spray adhesive.  I just wanted mine to lay nice and flat.  You can skip the next step too, this is me being extra cautious that it won't fall apart.  I used the frame insert and sprayed the back of the cardboard (the side that you can still see the cardboard) and put the insert on the back.  I did this so that the folded parts wouldn't come undone and so that I could move the lace if I wanted to later.
After that it was time to add the lace!  I picked two different patterns, one for hanging earrings and one for studs.  This step is probably the trickiest.  You want the lace pretty tight so that it won't sag, but you want it loose enough so that you can get the earrings on and off.  I tied the lace around the cardboard so I didn't have to use one hand to hold it while I taped, then I cut the knot off so it wasn't bulky when I put everything back in the frame.

After that I was done!! I put everything back in the frame (including the glass so that it wasn't loose) and voila! I'm pleased with it.  I don't have earrings though, I made this for my sister so I'll keep you posted on how the lace holds up with the earrings on it. 
I would definitely recommend doing this!  It was cheap, fast and easy.  Not sure how it holds up but I'll update you as soon as I know.


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